第7回:用語~Reverse v. Vacate~(2018年5月2日)

著者:小野 康英(米国特許弁護士)


以下に、2つの米国最高裁(Supreme Court of the United States)の判決の一節を引用する。

SAS Institute Inc. v. Iancu, 584 U.S. ____ (2018)
"[T]he judgment of the Federal Circuit is reversed and the case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion." (Emphasis added)

Commil USA, LLC v. Cisco Systems, Inc., 575 U.S. ____ (2015)
"The judgment of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit is vacated, and the case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion." (Emphasis added)

どちらの判決においても、米国最高裁は、事件を原審裁判所である連邦巡回区控訴裁(United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit)に差し戻している("the case is remanded")。しかし、米国最高裁は、差戻しの前提として、SAS Institute事件では原審判決を"reverse"し、Commil事件では"vacate"している。"reverse"及び"vacate"は、概念としてどう相違するのであろうか、そして、両者の相違は訳語(日本語)にどのように現れるのであろうか?本稿ではこれらについて考察する。




■reverse: 1 (下級審判決などを)覆す;破棄する <---> affirm(強調は筆者)

■vacate: 取り消す;立ち去る;明け渡す(強調は筆者)


■reverse: 「(下位裁判所の判決を)覆す;破棄する」破棄して独自の判決を下す場合と、下位裁判所に差し戻すことがある。後者の場合、裁判官を替えるよう指示されるのがふつう。

■vacate: 「取り消す;無効にする」上位裁判所は、必要と認めたときには、下位裁判所の判決を無効にする。判決を単に覆した場合(*reverse)は、条件をつけて下位裁判所に差し戻すこともあるが、vacateされた(取り消された)判決は、最初から完全になかったも同然である。(強調は筆者)




Webster's New World College Dictionary, Fifth Edition (2016)

■reverse: "6 Law[.] to revoke or annul (a decision, judgment, etc.)"

■vacate: "2 Law[.] to make void; annul" (Emphasis added)

Black's Law Dictionary (Second Pocket Edition) (2001)

■reversal: "1. An appellate court's overturning of a lower court's decision ... --- reverse, vb."

■vacate: "2. To nullify or cancel; make void; invalidate <the court vacated the judgment>. Cf. OVERRULE." (Emphasis added)

「Webster辞典」は、"reverse"及び"vacate"に"annul"という同一の語を当てている。一方、「Black's法律辞典」は、"reverse"及び"vacate"に異なる語を当てている。また、両辞書は、"reverse"には異なる語を当てているが、"vacate"の定義には"make void"という同一の語を当てている点で共通する(注1)



この点、Josh Blackman's Blogの以下の記述は、米国最高裁の内部マニュアル(注2)の内容を引用しつつ、米国法における"reverse"及び"vacate"の相違を端的に示している。

Josh Blackman's Blog: SCOTUS Style Manual on Difference Between "Reverse" and "Vacate" (Mar 28, 2016)

"In virtually every term," the [the Supreme Court's internal style manual] states, "the question arises whether the Court should vacate, as opposed to reverse, particular lower court judgments. The rule of thumb applied by the Office of the Clerk of the Court is easy to state, but may be difficult to apply in particular instances: This Court should reverse if it deems the judgment below to be absolutely wrong, but vacate if the judgment is less than absolutely wrong. Questions in difficult cases should be directed to the Chief Deputy Clerk." (Emphasis added)


すなわち、米国最高裁の内部マニュアルによれば、"reverse"及び"vacate"の相違は、「原審判決の誤りの程度の相違」ということになる。具体的には、同マニュアルによれば、米国最高裁は、原審判決が絶対的に誤っている(absolutely wrong)場合には"reverse"し、原審判決がそれよりも低い程度に誤っている場合には"vacate"することとされている。





(1)E-Pass 事件
E-Pass事件において、連邦地裁は、係争特許Claim 1における"electronic multi-function card"(電子的多機能カード)のカード・サイズを、特定の産業規格サイズ(全米規格協会が1971年に定めた規格サイズ:横3.375インチ、縦2.2125インチ及び厚さ0.030インチ[許容誤差は+/-0/003インチ])と解釈した上で、被疑侵害製品(3COM社製 Palm Pilot)は特許非侵害とのサマリー・ジャッジメント(正式事実審理を経ないでなされる判決)を言い渡した。

3COM社製 Palm Pilot(出典:https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71P8JD93KCL.gif

その控訴審において、連邦巡回区控訴裁は、この連邦地裁の解釈を否定したものの、「Palm Pilotは文言侵害するかもしれないし、文言侵害しないかもしれない(it may be or may not be that the accused Palm Pilot devices literally infringe)」とのコメントを付した上で、連邦地裁の特許非侵害のサマリー・ジャッジメントを"vacate"し、事件を連邦地裁に差し戻した。

差戻審において、連邦地裁は、連邦巡回区控訴裁が示したクレーム解釈に従い、再度、侵害成否判断を行い、被疑侵害製品は"electronic multi-function card"の限定を満たさないことを理由に、特許非侵害のサマリー・ジャッジメントを再び言い渡した。


E-Pass Technologies. Inc. v. 3COM Corp, 473 F.3d 1213 (Fed. Cir. 2007), rehearing en banc denied February 21, 2007
"E-Pass’s first argument rests in substantial part on our statement in E-Pass I that “issues of material fact remain in dispute as to both literal and doctrine of equivalents infringement under the proper construction” of the term “card.” E-Pass I, 343 F.3d at 1365. That statement, however, must be read in context. As the very same sentence announced, we vacated the grant of summary judgment and remanded to the district court for further proceedings. Id. By vacating, we signaled that, although the district court’s prior decision rested upon erroneous grounds, a proper claim construction might support a judgment (summary or otherwise) in favor of either party, depending on the evidence and argument submitted to the district court on remand and considered by the district court in the first instance. Cf. Communities for Equity v. Mich. High Sch. Athletic Ass’n, 459 F.3d 676, 680 (6th Cir. 2006) (noting that when the Supreme Court grants a writ of certiorari, vacates, and remands, it “does not indicate, nor even suggest, that the lower court’s decision was erroneous”). " (Emphases added)

RCT(Research Corp. Technologies)事件において、連邦地裁は、被告Microsoftによる記述要件(written description)違反の主張を受け入れ、係争特許の1つである305特許のClaim 29の優先日は1990年又は1991年の原出願の出願日まで遡らないと判断した。


Research Corp. Technologies (RCT), Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., 627 F.3d 859 (Fed. Cir. 2010)
"Accordingly, the 1990 and 1991 Applications provide written description support for claim 29 of the ‘305 patent. In the event this court disagrees with the district court’s judgment as to claim 29, Microsoft argues that this court should vacate, not reverse, the summary judgment because Microsoft has alternate arguments as to why the claims are not entitled to the earlier filing dates, namely, the lack of enablement. Microsoft’s “motion, however, [was] not based on the lack of enablement.” Br. of Def.-Microsoft Corp. at 9, Research Corp. Techs., Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 01–658 (Dkt.845) (D.Ariz. Feb. 13, 2009). Because Microsoft’s summary judgment motion was solely based on written description, which should have been denied, this court reverses the district court’s summary judgment. The 1990 and 1991 Applications provide written description support for claim 29." (Emphases added)

Hodges事件において、連邦巡回区控訴裁は、先行技術は"inlet seat"を本質的に開示するとした特許審判部(PTAB: Patent Trial and Appeal Board)の認定の誤りを裁判官の全員(3名)一致で認めた。しかし、法廷意見は、この論点について、PTAB審決を"reverse"する(事件をPTABに差し戻さない)と決定したのに対して、反対意見は、PTAB審決を"vacate"した上で、事件をPTABに差し戻すべきと批判した。

In re Hodges (Fed. Cir. 2018) (Case No. 2017-1434; February 12, 2018), Concurring-in-part and dissenting-in-part opinion by Wallach, J.
"When an agency fails to make requisite factual findings or to explain its reasoning, "the proper course, except in rare circumstances, is to remand to the agency for additional investigation or explanation. The reviewing court is not generally empowered to conduct a de novo inquiry into the matter being reviewed and to reach its own conclusions based on such an inquiry." Fla. Power & Light Co. v. Lorion, 470 U.S. 729, 744 (1985) (first emphasis added). By reversing the PTAB's determination that Rasmussen anticipates the asserted claims of the ’222 application, the majority engages in the very de novo inquiry against which the Supreme Court has cautioned. See Maj. Op. 5–10. Therefore, I respectfully dissent-in part."

"By reversing the PTAB's determination that Rasmussen anticipates the asserted claims of the ’222 application, the majority departs from the default rule that deficient agency decisions should be vacated and remanded. In doing so, the majority improperly acts as the fact-finder and dramatically over-reads § 102." (Emphases added)

Festo事件では、出願経過において、特許法の規定への適合を目的(先行技術との区別に限らない)とするクレームの減縮補正及び均等論(DOE: Doctrine of Equivalents)の関係が争点となった。

連邦巡回区控訴裁大法廷は、「特許法の規定への適合を目的(先行技術との区別に限らない)とするクレームの減縮補正は、常に、出願経過禁反言を生じる」旨の完全排除則(complete-bar rule)を定立したが、米国最高裁は、これを全面否定し、この論点について柔軟排除則(flexible bar)を新たに定立した。この点、連邦巡回区控訴裁大法廷判決の「破棄」の仕方としては、同判決を全面否定する点を重視すれば"reverse"が相当であるが、新たに定立された柔軟排除則に基づき下級審裁判所で新たに審理を行わせる点を重視すれば"vacate"が相当とも考えられる。米国最高裁は、結論として、"vacate"という語を用いて同判決を破棄し、事件を連邦巡回区控訴裁に差し戻すことで、後者の意図を強調したものと推察される。

Festo Corp. v. Shoketsu Kinzoku Kogyo Kabushiki Co., Ltd., 535 U.S. 722 (2002)
"The Court of Appeals held that prosecution history estoppel is a complete bar, and so the narrowed element must be limited to its strict literal terms. Based upon its experience the Court of Appeals decided that the flexible-bar rule is unworkable because it leads to excessive uncertainty and burdens legitimate innovation. For the reasons that follow, we disagree with the decision to adopt the complete bar." (Emphases added)

"On the record before us, we cannot say petitioner has rebutted the presumptions that estoppel applies and that the equivalents at issue have been surrendered. Petitioner concedes that the limitations at issue—the sealing rings and the composition of the sleeve—were made in response to a rejection for reasons under §112, if not also because of the prior art references. As the amendments were made for a reason relating to patentability, the question is not whether estoppel applies but what territory the amendments surrendered. While estoppel does not effect a complete bar, the question remains whether petitioner can demonstrate that the narrowing amendments did not surrender the particular equivalents at issue. On these questions, SMC may well prevail, for the sealing rings and the composition of the sleeve both were noted expressly in the prosecution history. These matters, however, should be determined in the first instance by further proceedings in the Court of Appeals or the District Court.

The judgment of the Federal Circuit is vacated, and the case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion." (Emphases added)

5."reverse"及び"reverse and remand"の相違

本稿の主題から若干外れるが、関連情報として、"reverse"及び"reverse and remand"の相違の理解の一助になると思われる事例を紹介する。

DSS事件では、Appleが請求した、DSS保有の290特許の無効を求める当事者系無効審判(IPR: Inter Partes Review)におけるPTABの最終審決(final written decision)の当否が争点となった。具体的には、290特許のclaims 1–4 and 9–10は、特定の先行技術に基づき自明とした判断の当否が争点となった。


DSS Technology Management, Inc. v. Apple Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2018) (Case Nos. 2016-2523, 2016-2524; March 23, 2018)
"[T]he Board relied on a gap-filler—"ordinary creativity" instead of "common sense"—to supply a missing claim limitation. ... The Board thus relied on "ordinary creativity" "as a wholesale substitute for reasoned analysis and evidentiary support," and did so "when dealing with a limitation missing from the prior art references specified." ... Without "a reasoned explanation that avoids conclusory generalizations," this was not sufficient."

"We also find "that this is not a case where a more reasoned explanation than that provided by the Board can be gleaned from the record." ... Dr. Hu's testimony suffers from the serious deficiencies that we have discussed above, and Apple suggests no other evidence that might remedy those defects. Apple failed to meet its burden of establishing that the challenged claims of the '290 patent were obvious. We therefore reverse the Board’s finding of unpatentability." (Emphasis added)


DSS Technology Management, Inc. v. Apple Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2018) (Case Nos. 2016-2523, 2016-2524; March 23, 2018), Dissenting opinion by Newman, J.
"[I]f the PTAB's explanation is indeed inadequate, the appropriate appellate action is not to grant final judgment for the opponent. The appropriate action is either (1) to remand for additional explanation, or (2) to decide this question of law. However, the panel majority has neither remanded nor decided the question."

"My colleagues[] criticize the PTAB's understanding of the prior art, stating that "the Board failed to consider that Natarajan's multi-access protocol imposes different transmission requirements on the base station and the mobile units." ... However, the majority limits its examination of Natarajan to only a portion of its disclosure—Period A. ... Neither Apple nor the PTAB restricted Natarajan's disclosure to this Period. ..."

"Apple's expert witnesses sufficiently explained that if Natarajan's mobile units are likely to be "Receive-Inactive" most of the time, Natarajan's base unit transmitter would operate by transmitting during header AH, followed by very little or no transmission during Period A, then transmission during header BH, followed by no transmission during Period B. ... This explanation and evidence meet the claim limitation that is in dispute. ... My colleagues do not mention this analysis, which also meets the alternative formulation of the claim limitation, namely "energized, in short periods of intense RF transmission activity on an otherwise quiet data channel, only to the extent required to satisfy the data transmission needs over the course of a communication cycle." ... With no need to send transmissions to mobile units, the base unit transmitter would be powered down to reduce power consumption when not transmitting, in accordance with the unchallenged motivation that the PTAB expressly found."

"The appellate role, on review of the agency decision, includes "determin[ing] whether it is arbitrary or capricious, or, if bound up with a record-based factual conclusion, to determine whether it is supported by substantial evidence." ... If the agency's presentation is inadequate to demonstrate its reasoning, the appropriate remedy is not to issue a final judgment on appeal. ...

My colleagues' action in simply reversing the ruling of the PTAB, producing a final judgment of patentability that is purportedly subject to estoppel in any district court proceeding between these parties, is contrary to the body of precedent, and dilutes the purpose of these post-grant proceedings. I respectfully dissent from this ruling."

反対意見を読む限り、Newman判事は自明性の判断自体には誤りがないと考えていたと筆者には感じられる。その理解が正しければ、本事件において、Newman判事は、"reverse and remand"を趣旨とするのではなく、単に、"affirm (due to harmless error(注3))"の反対意見を起草してもよかったかもしれない。本事件は、証拠が同一でも、内容の異なる判決を起草することが可能な場合のあることにつきあらためて注意喚起するものとみることもできる。




(注1) あくまで私見であるが、上記2つの日本語の辞書の訳語は、「Black's法律辞典」の定義を日本語訳したものと筆者には感じられる。

(注2) Josh Blackman's Blogの同記事によれば、Jack Metzler氏がここで引用されている米国最高裁の内部マニュアルを入手したとのことである。同記事によると、Metzler氏は、その入手経路につき以下のとおり述べているとのことである。

""I don't have a confidential source," Metzler said. Instead, he went to the court's library, which is open to members of the Supreme Court bar like him as well as court staff and certain congressional and executive branch employees. He was given a copy—unnumbered—of the 2013 version of the manual, which he then photocopied."

(注3) "harmless error"(無害の瑕疵)テストについては、以下の判例及び制定法を参照されたい。

Southwire Company v. Cerro Wire LLC, 870 F.3d 1306 (Fed. Cir. 2017)
"We conclude that the Board erred in relying on inherency without finding that Summers necessarily would achieve a 30% reduction in pulling force, but rather finding that it merely renders that limitation obvious. ... However, we also conclude that the Board's error was harmless because, although it improperly invoked inherency, it need not have. It made the necessary underlying factual findings to support an obviousness determination. It found that the claimed method simply applies the same process for the same purpose as disclosed in Summers — i.e., to reduce the pulling force on a cable for ease of installation." (Emphases added)

28 U.S.C. 2111 - Harmless error
"On the hearing of any appeal or writ of certiorari in any case, the court shall give judgment after an examination of the record without regard to errors or defects which do not affect the substantial rights of the parties." (Emphases added)


Next>>第8回:米国特許法の歴史~電信機事件(The Telegraph Case)~

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