
(a) Regulations.--The Director shall prescribe regulations--
(a)規則-- 特許商標庁長官は下記の規則を定めなければならない--
  (1) providing that the file of any proceeding under this chapter shall be made available to the public, except that any petition or document filed with the intent that it be sealed shall, if accompanied by a motion to seal, be treated as sealed pending the outcome of the ruling on the motion;
  (2) setting forth the standards for the showing of sufficient grounds to institute a review under section 314(a);
  (3) establishing procedures for the submission of supplemental information after the petition is filed;
  (4) establishing and governing inter partes review under this chapter and the relationship of such review to other proceedings under this title;
  (5) setting forth standards and procedures for discovery of relevant evidence, including that such discovery shall be limited to—
    (A) the deposition of witnesses submitting affidavits or declarations; and
    (B) what is otherwise necessary in the interest of justice;
  (6) prescribing sanctions for abuse of discovery, abuse of process, or any other improper use of the proceeding, such as to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or an unnecessary increase in the cost of the proceeding;
  (7) providing for protective orders governing the exchange and submission of confidential information;
  (8) providing for the filing by the patent owner of a response to the petition under section 313 after an inter partes review has been instituted, and requiring that the patent owner file with such response, through affidavits or declarations, any additional factual evidence and expert opinions on which the patent owner relies in support of the response;
  (9) setting forth standards and procedures for allowing the patent owner to move to amend the patent under subsection (d) to cancel a challenged claim or propose a reasonable number of substitute claims, and ensuring that any information submitted by the patent owner in support of any amendment entered under subsection (d) is made available to the public as part of the prosecution history of the patent;
  (10) providing either party with the right to an oral hearing as part of the proceeding;
  (11) requiring that the final determination in an inter partes review be issued not later than 1 year after the date on which the Director notices the institution of a review under this chapter, except that the Director may, for good cause shown, extend the 1-year period by not more than 6 months, and may adjust the time periods in this paragraph in the case of joinder under section 315(c);
(11)特許商標庁長官が本章に基づくレビューの開始を通知した日から1年以内に当事者系レビューの最終決定が発行され、例外として、当該長官は正当理由を示すことで、当該1年の期間を最大6カ月ま で延長可能であり、また第315条(c)項に基づく併合の場合は本項の期間を調整してもよいとする規則;
  (12) setting a time period for requesting joinder under section 315(c); and
  (13) providing the petitioner with at least 1 opportunity to file written comments within a time period established by the Director.
(b) Considerations.--
In prescribing regulations under this section, the Director shall consider the effect of any such regulation on the economy, the integrity of the patent system, the efficient administration of the Office, and the ability of the Office to timely complete proceedings instituted under this chapter.
(b)考慮-- 本条の規則を制定するにあたり、特許商標庁長官は、経済、特許制度の全体性、特許商標庁の効率的な運営、および本章に基づき開始された手続を期限内に完了する特許商標庁の能力に対して、当該規則の与える影響を考慮しなければならない。
(c) Patent Trial and Appeal Board.--
The Patent Trial and Appeal Board shall, in accordance with section 6, conduct each inter partes review instituted under this chapter.
(c)特許公判審判部一 特許公判審判部は、第6条の規定に従い、本章に基づき開始された当事者系レビューを実施しなければならない。
(d) Amendment of the Patent.--
  (1) In general.--During an inter partes review instituted under this chapter, the patent owner may file 1 motion to amend the patent in 1 or more of the following ways:
(1)一般-- 本章に基づき開始された当事者系レビューの期間中、特許権者は下記の1以上の方法で特許の補正の申立てをすることができる:
    (A) Cancel any challenged patent claim.
    (B) For each challenged claim, propose a reasonable number of substitute claims.
  (2) Additional motions.--
Additional motions to amend may be permitted upon the joint request of the petitioner and the patent owner to materially advance the settlement of a proceeding under section 317, or as permitted by regulations prescribed by the Director.
(2)追加の申立て-- 追加の補正の申立ては、第317条の手続の和解の実質的促進を目的とした申請者および特許権者による共同請求により、または特許商標庁長官により定められた規則により認められる。
  (3) Scope of claims.--
An amendment under this subsection may not enlarge the scope of the claims of the patent or introduce new matter.
(3)クレームの範囲-- 本項に基づく補正は、特許のクレーム範囲の拡張、または新規事項の追加をしてはならない。
(e) Evidentiary Standards.--
In an inter partes review instituted under this chapter, the petitioner shall have the burden of proving a proposition of unpatentability by a preponderance of the evidence.
(e)証拠の基準-- 本章に基づき開始された当事者系レビューにおいては、申請者は、証拠の優越性の基準にて特許性が無い旨の主張を立証する義務を負わなければならない。

※日本語訳:幸田, ヘンリー. 米国特許法逐条解説. 第6版, 発明推進協会, 2013, p.506-508.




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