コラム特許翻訳:断面を示す線「II-II」の「II」を対応する図面番号にする~37 CFR 1.84(h)(3)~



37 CFR 1.84(h)(3)には、「II-II」の「II」は、断面が実際に記載されている図面番号と同じアラビア数字(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)またはローマ数字(I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, Xなど)とすることが推奨されています。

The ends of the broken line should be designated by Arabic or Roman numerals corresponding to the view number of the sectional view,...

例えば、下記の図面サンプルのFIG. 1において、断面を示す線として「2-2」が記載されており、この「2-2」線で切断した面がFIG. 2に記載されています。つまり、FIG. 1に記載の「2-2」のアラビア数字「2」と、実際に断面を記載した「FIG. 2」のアラビア数字「2」が一致しています。

アラビア数字の代わりにローマ数字で「II-II」としてもよく、こちらの方が好まれる傾向にあります。例えば、FIG. 1Aに断面を示す線を記載し、FIG. 1Bに実際の断面を記載する場合、FIG. 1Aには断面を示す線として「Ib-Ib」と記載することが考えられます(「Ib」と「1B」が対応している)。




USPTO'S Guide for Preparation of Patent Drawings. Penaya Publishing, 2011, A4-23.


37 CFR 1.84(h)
(3) Sectional views. The plane upon which a sectional view is taken should be indicated on the view from which the section is cut by a broken line. The ends of the broken line should be designated by Arabic or Roman numerals corresponding to the view number of the sectional view, and should have arrows to indicate the direction of sight. Hatching must be used to indicate section portions of an object, and must be made by regularly spaced oblique parallel lines spaced sufficiently apart to enable the lines to be distinguished without difficulty. Hatching should not impede the clear reading of the reference characters and lead lines. If it is not possible to place reference characters outside the hatched area, the hatching may be broken off wherever reference characters are inserted. Hatching must be at a substantial angle to the surrounding axes or principal lines, preferably 45°. A cross section must be set out and drawn to show all of the materials as they are shown in the view from which the cross section was taken. The parts in cross section must show proper material(s) by hatching with regularly spaced parallel oblique strokes, the space between strokes being chosen on the basis of the total area to be hatched. The various parts of a cross section of the same item should be hatched in the same manner and should accurately and graphically indicate the nature of the material(s) that is illustrated in cross section. The hatching of juxtaposed different elements must be angled in a different way. In the case of large areas, hatching may be confined to an edging drawn around the entire inside of the outline of the area to be hatched. Different types of hatching should have different conventional meanings as regards the nature of a material seen in cross section.

-コラム特許翻訳, 特許図面

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