第9回:歴史~電話機事件(The Telephone Case)~(2018年7月10日)

著者:小野 康英(米国特許弁護士)


Dolbear v. American Bell Telephone Co., 126 U.S. 1 (1888)

Alexander Graham Bell及び彼の業績についての展示パネル@National Museum of American History (Washington, D.C.)(撮影者:筆者)




本事件で特許有効性が争点となった、Bellの1876年特許(Bell特許)のClaim 5を以下に示す。

Specification forming part of Letter Patent No. 174,465, dated March 1876; application filed February 14, 1876.
5. The method of, and apparatus for, transmitting vocal or other sounds telegraphically, as herein described, by causing electrical undulations, similar in form to the vibrations of the air accompanying the said vocal or other sounds, substantially as set forth.



Bell特許のClaim 5は有効。


Morse事件において、任意の距離間での、判読可能な数字、記号又は文字の印付又は印刷のための、電磁力と呼ばれる、電流又はガルバニック電流の動力の使用を、それがどのように具現化されるかを問わない(however developed)形で規定したクレーム(Bell特許のClaim 8)は、Morseがその動力の新規の応用の発明者だったにもかかわらず、無効と判決された。その理由は、そのクレームが、電磁力の使用により生じる効果(その効果を生じさせるのに必要なプロセス又は機械から区別されたもの)を規定していたからである。この判決の帰結は、動力としての電磁力の使用を、これを生じさせる特定のプロセスと結びつけずにクレームすることは許されないが、特定のプロセスと結びつけての電磁力の使用をクレームすることは許される、ということである。



(1)Morse特許のClaim 8 v. Bell特許のClaim 5
米国最高裁判決を読む限り、Morse特許のClaim 8は、電信目的での電磁力の使用が、これを生じさせる特定のプロセスと結びつけられることなく規定されているため、特許有効性が否定されたのに対し、Bell特許のClaim 5は、音声送信目的での電流の使用が、特定のプロセスと結びつけて規定されているため、特許有効性が肯定されたと考えられる。

ここで、特許有効性の結論が分かれた、Morse特許のClaim 8及びBell特許のClaim 5を直接に比較してみる。

Morse Patent
8. I do not propose to limit myself to the specific machinery or parts of machinery described in the foregoing specification and claims; the essence of my invention being the use of the motive power of the electric or galvanic current, which I call "electro-magnetism," however developed for marking or printing intelligible characters, signs, or letters, at any distances, being a new application of that power of which I claim to be the first inventor or discoverer. (Emphases added)


Bell Patent
5. The method of, and apparatus for, transmitting vocal or other sounds telegraphically, as herein described, by causing electrical undulations, similar in form to the vibrations of the air accompanying the said vocal or other sounds, substantially as set forth. (Emphases added)


Morse特許のClaim 8は、「任意の距離間での、判読可能な数字、記号又は文字の印付又は印刷」に「電流又はガルバニック電流の動力」を「どのように(HOW)」使用するかを明記していない。一方、Bell特許のClaim 5も、「音声に伴う空気振動に形態の上で近似する電気振動」を「どのように(HOW)」生じさせるかを明記していない。Morse特許のClaim 8には「それがどのように具現化されるかは問わない(however developed)」という挑戦的な限定が存在するが、それをさて置くとしても、両クレームの記載レベルは、「どのように(HOW)」の詳細が明記されていない点で、いずれも不明瞭と解し得る。

一方、Bell特許のClaim 5は「明細書に記述された(as herein described)」及び「明細書で十分に説明したとおり(substantially as set forth)」という限定を介して、クレームに明細書の実施例の限定を取り込んだ上で、特許有効性を議論したとの解釈が成り立ち得る。実際、電話機事件の法廷意見は、(特許有効性の文脈ではなく、)侵害論の文脈では、次のとおり、クレームに明細書の実施例の限定を取り込んだ上で、議論を展開している。

Dolbear v. American Bell Telephone Co., 126 U.S. 1 (1888)
"The method, ‘as herein described,’ is to cause gradual changes in the intensity of the electric current used as the medium of transmission, which shall be exactly analogous to the changes in the density of the air occasioned by the peculiarities in the shapes of the undulations produced in speech, in the manner ‘substantially as set forth;’ that is to say, ‘by the vibration or motion of bodies capable of inductive action, or by the vibration of the conducting wire itself in the neighborhood of such bodies,’ which is the magneto method; or ‘by alternately increasing and diminishing the resistance of the circuit, or by alternately increasing and diminishing the power of the battery;’ which is the variable resistance method. This is the process which has been patented, and it may be operated in either of the ways set forth."

"The apparatus, ‘as herein described,’ which is included in the claim, is undoubtedly one in which an electro-magnet is employed, and constructed ‘substantially as set forth’ in the specification. One acting on the variable resistance mode is not described, further than to say that the vibration of the conducting wire in mercury, or other liquid, included in the circuit, occasions undulations in the current, and no other special directions are given as to the manner in which it must be constructed. The patent is both for the magneto and variable resistance methods, and for the particular magneto apparatus which is described, or its equivalent. There is no patent for any variable resistance apparatus." (Emphases added)

この点、Donald S. Chisum教授は、Bell特許のClaim 5及びMorse特許のClaim 8の特許有効性の結論の相違の原因を、明細書の記載以外の側面に見出しているように見受けられる。

Chisum on Patents

"Before Morse's invention, the scientific community saw the possibility of achieving communication by the ''galvanic'' current but did not know any means of achieving that result. Morse discovered one means and attempted to claim all others. The Supreme Court would not tolerate such a generic claim because it would have given Morse patent rights over possible later telegraphic methods to which Morse made no direct contribution."

"Before Bell, the scientific community did not see the possibility of using ''undulations'' in electric current to convey vocal sounds. Bell saw that possibility and applied it to describe one means of telephonic communication (through the electro-magnetic mode). It was not inappropriate to give Bell control over other methods of telephonic communication (e.g., the variable resistance mode) because he contributed to such methods the basic idea of using undulation in a continuous electric current.

The holding in the Telephone Case was undoubtedly influenced by the desire to assure recognition and reward for Alexander Graham Bell. Striking or narrowing the fifth claim would have emasculated the basic telephone patent. Striking Morse's eighth claim, on the other hand, did not prevent Morse from obtaining effective relief in the very case before the Court on the basis of his other claims." (Emphasis added)

(2)現行特許法におけるBell特許のClaim 5の取扱い
現行特許法においては、"method of, and apparatus for, transmitting vocal or other sounds telegraphically"という表現は、Claim 5についてBell特許を無効(クレームの明確性要件違反)にすると考えられる。

IPXL Holdings, L.L.C. v. Amazon.com, Inc., 430 F.3d 1377 (2005)
[A] single claim covering both an apparatus and a method of use of that apparatus" fails to meet the requirements of § 112 because "it is unclear whether infringement ... occurs when one creates a[n infringing] system, or whether infringement occurs when the user actually uses [the system in an infringing manner].

また、Bell特許のClaim 5が「明細書に記述された(as herein described)」及び「明細書で十分に説明したとおり(substantially as set forth)」という限定を含む点も、これらの限定によりClaim 5がどこまでの権利範囲を要求するかが不明確となるため、Claim 5についてBell特許を無効(クレームの明確性要件違反)にすると考えられる。


(A)United States v. American Bell Telephone, 128 U.S. 315 (1888)

United States v. American Bell Telephone, 128 U.S. 315 (1888)
"[T]he [very clear] sense of Congress [is] that if such power is to be exercised anywhere, it should be in the equity jurisdiction of those courts. The only authority competent to set a patent aside, or to annual it, or to correct it for any reason whatever, is vested in the judicial department of the government, and this can only be effected by proper proceedings taken in the courts of the United States."

"[N]o one but the government, either in its own name or the name of its appropriate officer or by some form of proceeding which gives official assurance of the sanction of the proper authority, can institute judicial proceedings for the purpose of vacating or rescinding the patent which the government has issued to an individual, except in the cases provided for in § 16 of the Act of July 4, 1836."

"The United States, by issuing the patents which are here sought to be annulled, has taken from the public rights of immense value and bestowed them upon the patentee. In this respect, the government and its officers are acting as the agents of the people, and have, under the authority of law vested in them, taken from the people this valuable privilege and conferred it as an exclusive right upon the patentee. ... This has been taken from the people, from the public, and made the private property of the patentee by the action of one of the departments of the government acting under the forms of law, but deceived and misled, as the bill alleges, by the patentee. That the government, authorized both by the Constitution and the statutes to bring suits at law and in equity, should find it to be its duty to correct this evil, to recall these patents, to get a remedy for this fraud, is so clear that it needs no argument, and we think we have demonstrated that the proper remedy is the one adopted by the government in this case."

上記のうち、特許付与後に特許を無効にできるのは裁判所のみであると明言した箇所("The only authority competent to set a patent aside, or to annual it, or to correct it for any reason whatever, is vested in the judicial department of the government, and this can only be effected by proper proceedings taken in the courts of the United States.")は、現行特許法下の、米国特許商標庁(United States Patent and Trademark Office)による付与後の特許見直しの手続の適法性に影響を与えかねない表現となっている。実際、Oil State事件(2018年)において、当事者系無効審判(IPR: Inter Partes Review)(35 U.S.C. Chapter 31)において特許無効審決を受けた権利者は、電話機事件2における上記箇所を引用した上で、そもそもIPRという制度自体が米国憲法第3章違反(行政権による司法権の侵犯)を構成すると主張した。

U.S. Constitution, Article 3
Section 1
The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. ...

Section 2
The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority;--to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls;--to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction;--to controversies to which the United States shall be a party;--to controversies between two or more states;--between a state and citizens of another state;--between citizens of different states;--between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a state, or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens or subjects. ...




Oil States Energy Services, LLC v. Greene's Energy Group, LLC, 584 U.S. ____ (2018)
To be sure, two of the cases make broad declarations that “[t]he only authority competent to set a patent aside, or to annul it, or to correct it for any reason whatever, is vested in the courts of the United States, and not in the department which issued the patent.” McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., supra, at 609; accord, American Bell Telephone Co., 128 U. S., at 364. But those cases were decided under the Patent Act of 1870. See id., at 371; McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., supra, at 611. That version of the Patent Act did not include any provision for post-issuance administrative review. Those precedents, then, are best read as a description of the statutory scheme that existed at that time. They do not resolve Congress’ authority under the Constitution to establish a different scheme.[]

なお、Oil State事件の反対意見は、電話機事件2を根拠に、特許付与後に特許を無効にできるのは裁判所のみであることをさらに強調したMcCormick事件を踏まえて、IPRは米国憲法第3章違反で無効と主張した。

Oil States Energy Services, LLC v. Greene's Energy Group, LLC, 584 U.S. ____ (2018), dissenting opinion by Justice Gorsuch.
"The Court today replies that McCormick sought only to interpret certain statutes then in force, not the Constitution. Ante, at 11, and n. 3. But this much is hard to see. Allowing the Executive to withdraw a patent, McCormick said, “would be to deprive the applicant of his property without due process of law, and would be in fact an invasion of the judicial branch of the government by the executive.” 169 U. S., at 612. McCormick also pointed to “repeated decisions” in similar cases that themselves do not seem to rest merely on statutory grounds. See id., at 608– 609 (citing United States v. Schurz, 102 U. S. 378 (1880), and United States v. American Bell Telephone Co., 128 U. S. 315 (1888)). And McCormick equated invention patents with land patents. 169 U. S., at 609. That is significant because, while the Executive has always dispensed public lands to homesteaders and other private persons, it has never been constitutionally empowered to withdraw land patents from their recipients (or their successors-in-interest) except through a “judgment of a court.” United States v. Stone, 2 Wall. 525, 535 (1865); Wellness Int’l Network, Ltd. v. Sharif, 575 U.S. , (2015) (THOMAS, J., dissenting) (slip op., at 11) (“Although Congress could authorize executive agencies to dispose of public rights in lands—often by means of adjudicating a claimant’s qualifications for a land grant under a statute—the United States had to go to the courts if it wished to revoke a patent” (emphasis deleted)).

With so much in the relevant history and precedent against it, the Court invites us to look elsewhere. Instead of focusing on the revocation of patents, it asks us to abstract the level of our inquiry and focus on their issuance. Because the job of issuing invention patents traditionally belonged to the Executive, the Court proceeds to argue, the job of revoking them can be left there too. Ante, at 6–10. But that doesn’t follow. Just because you give a gift doesn’t mean you forever enjoy the right to reclaim it. And, as we’ve seen, just because the Executive could issue an invention (or land) patent did not mean the Executive could revoke it. To reward those who had proven the social utility of their work (and to induce others to follow suit), the law long afforded patent holders more protection than that against the threat of governmental intrusion and dispossession. The law requires us to honor those historical rights, not diminish them."

"Today’s decision may not represent a rout but it at least signals a retreat from Article III’s guarantees. Ceding to the political branches ground they wish to take in the name of efficient government may seem like an act of judicial restraint. But enforcing Article III isn’t about protecting judicial authority for its own sake. It’s about ensuring the people today and tomorrow enjoy no fewer rights against governmental intrusion than those who came before. And the loss of the right to an independent judge is never a small thing. It’s for that reason Hamilton warned the judiciary to take “all possible care . . . to defend itself against” intrusions by the other branches. The Federalist No. 78, at 466. It’s for that reason I respectfully dissent."

余談になるが、Oil State事件(2018年)でIPRは憲法違反で無効との主張をしたGorsuch判事は、同日付のSAS Institute事件(2018年)において、IPRが合憲であることを前提に、法廷意見を起草した。この逸話は、法律が相矛盾する利害関係の調整手段以上のものではないことを象徴するものと筆者には感じられる。この点は、法律事務を行う者が心しておくべきことと筆者は考えている。

SAS Institute Inc. v. Iancu, 584 U.S. ____ (2018), the opinion of the Court delivered by Justice Gorsuch.
A few years ago Congress created “inter partes review.” The new procedure allows private parties to challenge previously issued patent claims in an adversarial process before the Patent Office that mimics civil litigation. Recently, the Court upheld the inter partes review statute against a constitutional challenge. Oil States Energy Services, LLC v. Greene’s Energy Group, LLC, ante, p. . Now we take up a question concerning the statute’s operation. When the Patent Office initiates an inter partes review, must it resolve all of the claims in the case, or may it choose to limit its review to only some of them? The statute, we find, supplies a clear answer: the Patent Office must “issue a final written decision with respect to the patentability of any patent claim challenged by the petitioner.” 35 U. S. C. §318(a) (emphasis added). In this context, as in so many others, “any” means “every.” The agency cannot curate the claims at issue but must decide them all.

(B)United States v. American Bell Telephone, 167 U.S. 224 (1897)

United States v. American Bell Telephone, 167 U.S. 224 (1897)
This is a suit by the United States to set aside a patent for an invention as wrongfully issued. It is, we believe, the first case in this Court in which upon proofs such an application has been presented. The right of the United States to maintain such a suit was affirmed in United States v. American Bell Telephone Co., 128 U. S. 315. The question now is whether upon the facts disclosed in this record, the relief prayed for ought to be awarded. It becomes, therefore, a matter of moment to determine under what circumstances and upon what conditions the United States are entitled to have a patent, issued in due course of law, set aside and cancelled.


United States v. American Bell Telephone, 167 U.S. 224 (1897)
We see no error in the decision of the court of appeals, and its decree, dismissing the bill, is [] Affirmed.


一方、Alexander Graham Bell (1847 - 1922)は、電話機事件により電話機の原理及び電話機の発明者として認められ、かつ、電話機の実用化に尽力したことで、米国産業界の歴史に名を残した。さらに、電話機事件、電話機事件2及び電話機事件3を通じてBell特許の行使に成功した。



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